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101 UX Principles - Septem

101 UX Principles
Autor: Will Grant
Tytuł oryginału: 101 UX Principles
ISBN: 9781788830737
stron: 414, Format: ebook
Data wydania: 2018-08-31
Księgarnia: Septem

Cena książki: 189,00 zł

Dodaj do koszyka 101 UX Principles

Tagi: Funkcjonalno | Grafika komputerowa | Web Design

We want our UX to be brilliant. We want to create stunning user experiences. We want our UX to drive the success of our business with useful and usable software products. This book draws on the wisdom and training of Jakob Nielsen and Don Norman to help you get your UX right - in 101 ways!

101 UX Principles shows you the 101 most important things you need to know about usability and design. A practical reference for UX professionals, and a shortcut to greatness for anyone who needs a clear and wise selection of principles to guide their UX success. Learn the key principles that drive brilliant UX design.

Enjoy 101 Principles including 'Good UX has a Beginning, a Middle, and an End', 'Make Your Links Look Like Links', 'Don't Use Obsolete Icons', 'Decide Whether an Interaction Should Be Obvious, Easy, or Possible', 'Test with Real Users', 'Making the most of fonts', 'Good UX for search results', and 'Show your user - don't tell your user!'

"Good to read from beginning to end, and a nice dip-in-and-out text, the chapter titles reminded me of principles I don't even think about explicitly when I likely should. The book inspired me to start more explicitly articulating some of the principles I just take for granted."

- Elizabeth Churchill, Director of User Experience at Google

"This is a great practical read. It is convenient to use as a reference when solving real UX problems. I would definitely recommend it as an introduction to UX, but also as a good reminder of best practices for more experienced designers."

- Anne-Marie L

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  • Ucieczka z pu
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  • D3.js w akcji
  • Responsywne strony WWW. Technologia na start!
  • Nowe us

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