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Administrative Proceedings in the Habsburg Succession Countries - Septem

Administrative Proceedings in the Habsburg Succession Countries
Autor: Zbigniew Kmieciak
ISBN: 978-83-822-0066-9
stron: 312, Format: ebook
Data wydania: 2020-12-18
Księgarnia: Septem

Cena książki: 22,51 zł (poprzednio: 27,12 zł)
Oszczędzasz: 17% (-4,61 zł)

Dodaj do koszyka Administrative Proceedings in the Habsburg Succession Countries

Tagi: Historia | Historia i archeologia

The book describes the evolvement and present state of administrative procedure law in nine European countries. The authors’ intention was to identify the differences and similarities in administrative procedures, the origins of which should be found in the solutions developed in times of the Habsburg Monarchy, primarily in the course of judicial activity of the Vienna Administrative Court. They became the foundation for Austrian codification of general administrative procedure which was implemented by the Act of 1925 – Allgemeines Verwaltungsverfohrensgesetz. The institutions of procedural law created at that time were adopted in most Habsburg succession countries. Changes that took place in these states after the Second World War and at the turn of the 20th and 21st centuries significantly modified the Austrian concept of codification, which some theorists assumed as a “model”. However, as the authors advocated, the main assumptions of the Austrian codification have been preserved.



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  • Le sanctuaire d'Allat  Palmyre
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