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African Heat - Septem

African Heat
Autor: Ren
ISBN: 978-83-7564-503-3
stron: 170, Format: ebook
Data wydania: 2016-03-24
Księgarnia: Septem

Cena książki: 13,94 zł (poprzednio: 17,00 zł)
Oszczędzasz: 18% (-3,06 zł)

Dodaj do koszyka African Heat

Tagi: Sensacja

Monon is an actress on the threshold ofa career. On the day of the first of a significant theatre award happens suddenly something what breaks her world into small pieces. The pain of personal tragedy she trying to suppress in intensive work as a war correspondent... and not only. Transmissions journalistic and relationships from engulfed by chaos Libya are only a cover for a dangerous and full of puzzles mission. Searching for a mysterious woman, which she has to bring back to Europe, Monon finally tries to find herself.

Dodaj do koszyka African Heat


Osoby które kupowały "African Heat", wybierały także:

  • Portret zab 23,00 zÅ‚, (9,20 zÅ‚ -60%)
  • Noc 23,00 zÅ‚, (9,20 zÅ‚ -60%)
  • W milczeniu 23,00 zÅ‚, (10,35 zÅ‚ -55%)
  • Z 23,00 zÅ‚, (10,35 zÅ‚ -55%)
  • Cudowny dotyk 23,00 zÅ‚, (10,35 zÅ‚ -55%)

  • Portret zab
  • Noc
  • W milczeniu
  • Z
  • Cudowny dotyk

Dodaj do koszyka African Heat

Spis treści

Dodaj do koszyka African Heat

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