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Al-Gahiz and his theory of social communication - Septem

Al-Gahiz and his theory of social communication
Autor: Krystyna Skar
ISBN: 978-83-800-2052-8
stron: 147, Format: ebook
Data wydania: 2015-12-16
Księgarnia: Septem

Cena książki: 26,24 zł (poprzednio: 32,00 zł)
Oszczędzasz: 18% (-5,76 zł)

Dodaj do koszyka Al-Gahiz and his theory of social communication

Tagi: Naukowe i akademickie

Al-Ğāhiz, an Arabic scientist of the 9th century, belongs to the thinkers whose participation in and contribution to the development of the world science has not been recognized and appreciated. The great erudite and author of numerous works in various areas formulated, among others, the theory of social communication which may be compared to the late 20th century Mikhail Bakhtin’s theory of discourse. The opinions of the Arab intellectual from Basra, living in the Middle Ages, reveal surprising accuracy and lose nothing of their topicality.

Prof. Krystyna Skar

Dodaj do koszyka Al-Gahiz and his theory of social communication


Osoby które kupowały "Al-Gahiz and his theory of social communication", wybierały także:

  • Kreatywna plastykostymulacja w rozwoju dziecka
  • "Bezpiecze
  • Ojcostwo w drugiej po
  • Eksperymenty i badania na zwierz
  • Przywileje fundacyjne Uniwersytetu Jagiello

Dodaj do koszyka Al-Gahiz and his theory of social communication

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Dodaj do koszyka Al-Gahiz and his theory of social communication

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