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Amazon Fire Phone: The Missing Manual - Septem

Amazon Fire Phone: The Missing Manual
Autor: Preston Gralla
ISBN: 978-14-919-1128-0
stron: 368, Format: ebook
Data wydania: 2014-12-16
Księgarnia: Septem

Cena książki: 84,92 zł (poprzednio: 98,74 zł)
Oszczędzasz: 14% (-13,82 zł)

Dodaj do koszyka Amazon Fire Phone: The Missing Manual

Tagi: Android | FLEX | Inne

Unleash the powers of the Amazon Fire phone with help from technology guru Preston Gralla. Through clear instructions and savvy advice, this fast-paced, engaging guide shows you how to make the most of Fire phone’s innovative features—including Firefly, Dynamic Perspective, one-handed gestures, and integration with Amazon Prime.

The important stuff you need to know:

  • Gain control with Dynamic Perspective. Tilt your phone to scroll, move your head to play games, and explore maps in 3D.
  • Take pictures further. Capture high-res, panoramic, and moving (lenticular) photos. Shoot HD video, too.
  • Shop with ease. Use Firefly to identify music, videos, and other items, and go straight to the product’s Amazon page.
  • Get the apps you want. Load up on games and apps for productivity, health and fitness, and social networking from Amazon’s Appstore.
  • Solve problems right away. Get live tech support from Amazon via video chat with the Mayday help feature.
  • Carry the Cloud in your hand. Access Prime Instant Video, your Kindle library, and your uploaded photos and videos.

Dodaj do koszyka Amazon Fire Phone: The Missing Manual


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