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And People? Why Are Managers' Cars the Most Important Asset in Every Organization? - Septem

And People? Why Are Managers' Cars the Most Important Asset in Every Organization?
Autor: Ivica Vran
Tytuł oryginału: And People? Why Are Managers' Cars the Most Important Asset in Every Organization?
ISBN: 9781634620796
stron: 231, Format: ebook
Data wydania: 2015-06-04
Księgarnia: Septem

Cena książki: 74,99 zł

Dodaj do koszyka And People? Why Are Managers' Cars the Most Important Asset in Every Organization?

Tagi: Zarz

For any business to become successful, it is necessary to understand that people are the greatest asset; they are the most important resource. And People sheds light on how to integrate this valuable resource into your business model.

And People captures the difference between managers and leaders in very pragmatic and useful ways. It offers metaphors and examples of how leadership and management skills are both needed to build a successful business. You'll then read about the two primary focal points for leaders and managers: individual and organization. As you progress through the chapters, you will learn about different human resource tools that help you to source and develop people. These tools enable managers and leaders to ensure a stable flow of people and create the right culture.

By the end of the book, you would have learned a number of useful insights to ensure business success.

Dodaj do koszyka And People? Why Are Managers' Cars the Most Important Asset in Every Organization?


Osoby które kupowały "And People? Why Are Managers' Cars the Most Important Asset in Every Organization?", wybierały także:

  • Wizualna strona biznesu. Jak przekonywa
  • Startup, scaleup, kl
  • Szef, kt
  • Wprowadzenie do zarz
  • Alibaba. Jak Jack Ma stworzy

Dodaj do koszyka And People? Why Are Managers' Cars the Most Important Asset in Every Organization?

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Dodaj do koszyka And People? Why Are Managers' Cars the Most Important Asset in Every Organization?

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