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Android Development Tools for Eclipse - Septem

Android Development Tools for Eclipse
Autor: Khirulnizam Abd Rahman, Sanjay Shah
Tytuł oryginału: Android Development Tools for Eclipse
ISBN: 9781782161110
stron: 144, Format: ebook
Data wydania: 2013-07-26
Księgarnia: Septem

Cena książki: 79,90 zł

Dodaj do koszyka Android Development Tools for Eclipse

Tagi: Android | FLEX

The increase in Android's popularity with every passing day cannot be understated. This has resulted in a large programmer base willing to contribute to its success. Eclipse has a powerful IDE and has been adopted widely by programmers across the globe. The focus of ADT is to use existing familiar territory and ease development of Android applications. In this sense, ADT provides a one stop solution for Android application development.

Android Development Tools for Eclipse is a step-by-step guide that provides you with hands-on, practical, and to the point discussion and steps for using Eclipse tools for developing, debugging, and signing Android applications for distribution. It also teaches you to incorporate advertisements to monetize your applications. Every concept and its usage has been demonstrated in this book by implementing them via real world applications.

Android Development Tools for Eclipse starts with the installation of ADT, and then discusses important tools before guiding you through Android application development from scratch, demonstrating different concepts and implementation before finally helping you distribute your applications in the Android market. You will start the development of your first application, explore project structure, and add different widgets including multimedia ones.

You will learn everything about developing, debugging, testing, distributing, and monetizing your Android application using Eclipse ADT.

Dodaj do koszyka Android Development Tools for Eclipse


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Dodaj do koszyka Android Development Tools for Eclipse

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