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Azure DevOps Explained - Septem

Azure DevOps Explained
Autor: Sjoukje Zaal, Stefano Demiliani, Amit Malik
Tytuł oryginału: Azure DevOps Explained
ISBN: 9781800568655
stron: 438, Format: ebook
Data wydania: 2020-12-11
Księgarnia: Septem

Cena książki: 129,00 zł

Dodaj do koszyka Azure DevOps Explained

Tagi: Programowanie w chmurze

Developing applications for the cloud involves changing development methodologies and procedures. Continuous integration and continuous deployment (CI/CD) processes are a must today, but are often difficult to implement and adopt. Azure DevOps is a Microsoft Azure cloud service that enhances your application development life cycle and enables DevOps capabilities.

Starting with a comprehensive product overview, this book helps you to understand Azure DevOps and apply DevOps techniques to your development projects. You'll find out how to adopt DevOps techniques for your development processes by using built-in Azure DevOps tools. Throughout the course of this book, you'll also discover how to manage a project with the help of project management techniques such as Agile and Scrum, and then progress toward development aspects such as source code management, build pipelines, code testing and artifacts, release pipelines, and GitHub integration. As you learn how to implement DevOps practices, this book will also provide you with real-world examples and scenarios of DevOps adoption.

By the end of this DevOps book, you will have learned how to adopt and implement Azure DevOps features in your real-world development processes.

Dodaj do koszyka Azure DevOps Explained


Osoby które kupowały "Azure DevOps Explained", wybierały także:

  • Microsoft Azure. Kurs video. Zosta
  • Windows Azure. Wprowadzenie do programowania w chmurze
  • Ansible 2 w praktyce. Automatyzacja infrastruktury, zarz
  • Najlepsze praktyki w Kubernetes. Jak budowa
  • Kubernetes - rozwi

Dodaj do koszyka Azure DevOps Explained

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Dodaj do koszyka Azure DevOps Explained

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