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Beginning Swift - Septem

Beginning Swift
Autor: Rob Kerr, Kare Morstol
Tytuł oryginału: Beginning Swift
ISBN: 978-17-895-3864-9
stron: 202, Format: ebook
Data wydania: 2018-05-31
Księgarnia: Septem

Cena książki: 89,90 zł

Dodaj do koszyka Beginning Swift

Tagi: Informatyka | Programowanie | Uczenie maszynowe

Swift greatly simplifies the process of developing applications for Apple devices. This book provides you with the essential skills to help you get started with developing applications using Swift.

Key Features

  • Teaches you how to correctly structure and architect software using Swift
  • Uses real-world examples to connect the theory to a professional setting
  • Imparts expertise in the core Swift standard library

Book Description

Take your first foray into programming for Apple devices with Swift.Swift is fundamentally different from Objective-C, as it is a protocol-oriented language. While you can still write normal object-oriented code in Swift, it requires a new way of thinking to take advantage of its powerful features and a solid understanding of the basics to become productive.

What you will learn

  • Explore the fundamental Swift programming concepts, language structure, and the Swift programming syntax
  • Learn how Swift compares to other computer languages and how to transform your thinking to leverage new concepts such as optionals and protocols
  • Master how to use key language elements, such as strings and collections
  • Grasp how Swift supports modern application development using advanced features, such as built-in Unicode support and higher-order functions

Who this book is for

If you are seeking fundamental Swift programming skills, in preparation for learning to develop native applications for iOS or macOS, this book is the best for you. You don't need to have any prior Swift knowledge; however, object-oriented programming experience is desired.

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