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Best Android Apps - Septem

Best Android Apps
Autor: Mike Hendrickson, Brian Sawyer
ISBN: 978-14-493-9371-7
stron: 240, Format: ebook
Data wydania: 2010-04-27
Księgarnia: Septem

Cena książki: 63,74 zł (poprzednio: 74,99 zł)
Oszczędzasz: 15% (-11,25 zł)

Dodaj do koszyka Best Android Apps

You can choose from thousands of apps to make your Android device do just about anything you can think of -- and probably a few things you'd never imagine. There are so many Android apps available, in fact, that it's been difficult to find the best of the bunch -- until now.

Best Android Apps leads you beyond the titles in Android Market's "Top Paid" and "Top Free" bins to showcase apps that will truly delight, empower, and entertain you. The authors have tested and handpicked more than 200 apps and games, each listed with a description and details highlighting the app's valuable tips and special features. Flip through the book to browse their suggestions, or head directly to the category of your choice to find the best apps to use at work, on the town, at play, at home, or on the road.

Discover great Android apps to help you:

  • Juggle tasks
  • Connect with friends
  • Play games
  • Organize documents
  • Explore what's nearby
  • Get in shape
  • Travel the world
  • Find new music
  • Dine out
  • Manage your money

...and much more!

Dodaj do koszyka Best Android Apps


Osoby które kupowały "Best Android Apps", wybierały także:

  • Uwarunkowania gospodarowania kapita
  • Podstawy ekonometrii
  • Zintegrowane systemy zarz
  • Krzywa dochodowo
  • Przyw

Dodaj do koszyka Best Android Apps

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Dodaj do koszyka Best Android Apps

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