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Building Evolutionary Architectures. Support Constant Change - Septem

Building Evolutionary Architectures. Support Constant Change
Autor: Neal Ford, Rebecca Parsons, Patrick Kua
ISBN: 978-14-919-8632-5
stron: 190, Format: ebook
Data wydania: 2017-09-18
Księgarnia: Septem

Cena książki: 239,00 zł

Dodaj do koszyka Building Evolutionary Architectures. Support Constant Change

Tagi: Programowanie

The software development ecosystem is constantly changing, providing a constant stream of new tools, frameworks, techniques, and paradigms. Over the past few years, incremental developments in core engineering practices for software development have created the foundations for rethinking how architecture changes over time, along with ways to protect important architectural characteristics as it evolves. This practical guide ties those parts together with a new way to think about architecture and time.

Dodaj do koszyka Building Evolutionary Architectures. Support Constant Change


Osoby które kupowały "Building Evolutionary Architectures. Support Constant Change", wybierały także:

  • Dzieciaki na start! Programowanie dla najm
  • Tablice informatyczne. React
  • Programowanie z Ozobotem
  • J
  • Getting Things Programmed. Droga do efektywno

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