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Camp Pozzi. GROM in Iraq - Septem

Camp Pozzi. GROM in Iraq
Autor: Naval
ISBN: 9788311159716
stron: 300, Format: ebook
Data wydania: 2020-06-13
Księgarnia: Septem

Cena książki: 24,55 zł (poprzednio: 28,88 zł)
Oszczędzasz: 15% (-4,33 zł)

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Tagi: Literatura faktu

The capturing of the trans-shipment terminal near Umm Qasr, Iraqs only deep water port, thwarting an attempt to blow up one of the Iraqs major river dams, dozens of seized fighters and fellow comrades of Saddam Husseins Baath Party

For the first time ever Naval reveals the details of the background of the Polish GROM Unit and US Navy SEALs joint security operations, hitherto highly classified. In exceptionally hard conditions of the war front in Iraq, comradeship, close cooperation with the allies, and great professional integrity of GROMs soldiers grew in importance. The Americans were amazed by GROMs professionalism, flexibility, teamwork, honor, unity and warfare skills.

About the author:

Naval served in GROM for fourteen years as the operator of the combat unit. Most of his time in the unit he spent on foreign missions. He was decorated with highest combat medals awarded in Poland for personal valour accomplished abroad, including the Knights Cross of the Military Cross, granted for outstanding military merits, and the Commanders Cross of the Military Cross, granted for most outstanding valour with risking ones life. He also has the Grom Gold Badge, which is most honoured by the GROM personnel.

While serving in GROM Naval wrote and defended his MA thesis on special forces. He came a long way to get to GROM: he was a soldier of the First Special Regiment and he served in Lebanon a United Nation peacekeeping mission. In 2012 his name became public because of the Medal of Honor. Warfighter PC game. One of the two characters of GROM soldiers (which can be an avatar of the player) was modelled after Naval.

After demobbing he began to support with his knowledge and experience charity and non-governmental organisations, including Polish Humanitarian Action, and uniformed services. He is involved in social commitment (he does voluntary work for the Warsaw Uprising Museum) and runs his own company Naval Polska. He is committed to physical activities, participating in extreme obstacle course racing like RUnmageddon, and in ultra log races of even 100 miles.

He is the autor of several books about his memories from his service in GROM: Surviving Belize (original title: Przetrwa

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