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Challenges for Companies and Consumers on International Market - Septem

Challenges for Companies and Consumers on International Market
Autor: Justyna Matysiewicz, S
ISBN: 978-83-787-5537-1
stron: 251, Format: ebook
Data wydania: 2019-06-14
Księgarnia: Septem

Cena książki: 25,60 zł (poprzednio: 31,60 zł)
Oszczędzasz: 19% (-6,00 zł)

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The aim of the initiative has been the publication of the discussions which took place during annual 27th MAG Scholar Global Business, Marketing & Tourism Conference host by University to Economics in Katowice in 2017. This Conference, organized each year by the MAG Scholar, provided wonderful opportunity for academics and professionals from all over the world to share their knowledge, skills, and experience in the field of internationalization and all new phenomena on market. The entire publication is divided into five parts and contains selected papers presented at the 27th MAG Scholar Global Business, Marketing & Tourism Conference on European Marketing from Global Perspective in Katowice. First part provides inside to international environment element which influence on performance of companies and consumers. Second one presents selected aspects of marketing activities and instruments used on international market. Part three is focus on different business models undertaken by companies on international market. In part four there are papers which describe selected aspects of consumer behavior. Part five, which conclude this book, discusses range of papers dedicated to new trends in consumer behaviors on international market. The book does not cover all the important problems and issues of internationalization. It allows, however, prepare them as identification, presenting the importance and role of internationalization for companies and consumers on contemporary market.

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Osoby które kupowały "Challenges for Companies and Consumers on International Market", wybierały także:

  • Podstawy logistyki miejskiej
  • Inteligentne systemy wspomagania decyzji
  • Warto
  • Budowanie spo
  • Podstawy oceny efektywno

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