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Clean Code in JavaScript - Septem

Clean Code in JavaScript
Autor: James Padolsey
Tytuł oryginału: Clean Code in JavaScript
ISBN: 9781789957297
stron: 548, Format: ebook
Data wydania: 2020-01-20
Księgarnia: Septem

Cena książki: 109,00 zł

Dodaj do koszyka Clean Code in JavaScript

Tagi: JavaScript

Building robust apps starts with creating clean code. In this book, you'll explore techniques for doing this by learning everything from the basics of JavaScript through to the practices of clean code. You'll write functional, intuitive, and maintainable code while also understanding how your code affects the end user and the wider community.

The book starts with popular clean-coding principles such as SOLID, and the Law of Demeter (LoD), along with highlighting the enemies of writing clean code such as cargo culting and over-management. You'll then delve into JavaScript, understanding the more complex aspects of the language. Next, you'll create meaningful abstractions using design patterns, such as the Class Pattern and the Revealing Module Pattern. You'll explore real-world challenges such as DOM reconciliation, state management, dependency management, and security, both within browser and server environments. Later, you'll cover tooling and testing methodologies and the importance of documenting code. Finally, the book will focus on advocacy and good communication for improving code cleanliness within teams or workplaces, along with covering a case study for clean coding.

By the end of this book, you'll be well-versed with JavaScript and have learned how to create clean abstractions, test them, and communicate about them via documentation.

Dodaj do koszyka Clean Code in JavaScript


Osoby które kupowały "Clean Code in JavaScript", wybierały także:

  • Algorytmy i struktury danych. Kurs video. Java, JavaScript, Python
  • Baw si
  • Biblioteka jQuery. Sprawdzone wzorce projektowe
  • Unreal Engine. Nauka pisania gier dla kreatywnych
  • Programowanie dla pocz

Dodaj do koszyka Clean Code in JavaScript

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Dodaj do koszyka Clean Code in JavaScript

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