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Clean Code in Python - Second Edition - Septem

Clean Code in Python - Second Edition
Autor: Mariano Anaya
Tytuł oryginału: Clean Code in Python - Second Edition
ISBN: 9781800562097
stron: 422, Format: ebook
Data wydania: 2021-01-06
Księgarnia: Septem

Cena książki: 139,00 zł

Dodaj do koszyka Clean Code in Python - Second Edition

Tagi: Python

Experienced professionals in every field face several instances of disorganization, poor readability, and testability due to unstructured code.

With updated code and revised content aligned to the new features of Python 3.9, this second edition of Clean Code in Python will provide you with all the tools you need to overcome these obstacles and manage your projects successfully.

The book begins by describing the basic elements of writing clean code and how it plays a key role in Python programming. You will learn about writing efficient and readable code using the Python standard library and best practices for software design.

The book discusses object-oriented programming in Python and shows you how to use objects with descriptors and generators. It will also show you the design principles of software testing and how to resolve problems by implementing software design patterns in your code. In the concluding chapter, we break down a monolithic application into a microservices-based one starting from the code as the basis for a solid platform.

By the end of this clean code book, you will be proficient in applying industry-approved coding practices to design clean, sustainable, and readable real-world Python code.

Dodaj do koszyka Clean Code in Python - Second Edition


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  • Python dla ka
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  • Data Science w Pythonie. Kurs video. Algorytmy uczenia maszynowego
  • Machine Learning i j
  • Data Science w Pythonie. Kurs video. Przetwarzanie i analiza danych

Dodaj do koszyka Clean Code in Python - Second Edition

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Dodaj do koszyka Clean Code in Python - Second Edition

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