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Consumer Rights Protection - Septem

Consumer Rights Protection
Autor: S
ISBN: 978-83-787-5583-8
stron: 356, Format: ebook
Data wydania: 2020-10-01
Księgarnia: Septem

Cena książki: 33,60 zł (poprzednio: 41,48 zł)
Oszczędzasz: 19% (-7,88 zł)

Dodaj do koszyka Consumer Rights Protection

Tagi: Og

The entire publication is the outcome of the discussions which took place during International Conference on Enhancing Consumer Awareness host by University of Economics in Katowice. The entire publication is divided into four parts: first part provides inside to consumer rights awareness and system of protecting those rights. Second one presents selected aspects of consumer behavior on different markets. Part three is focus on companies practices introducing to protect consumers and build their awareness on different markets. Last part describes selected aspects of market environment and their influence on consumer awareness. The book allows presenting the importance and role of consumer rights and their awareness by all market players in developing sustainable economy.

Dodaj do koszyka Consumer Rights Protection


Osoby które kupowały "Consumer Rights Protection", wybierały także:

  • Podstawy logistyki miejskiej
  • Inteligentne systemy wspomagania decyzji
  • Warto
  • Budowanie spo
  • Podstawy oceny efektywno

Dodaj do koszyka Consumer Rights Protection

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Dodaj do koszyka Consumer Rights Protection

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