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Creativity Support Systems. SE 88 - Septem

Creativity Support Systems. SE 88
Autor: Henryk Sroka, Stanis艂aw Stanek
ISBN: 978-83-724-6703-4
stron: 178, Format: ebook
Data wydania: 2017-06-05
Ksi臋garnia: Septem

Cena ksi膮偶ki: 14,80 z艂 (poprzednio: 18,27 z艂)
Oszcz臋dzasz: 19% (-3,47 z艂)

Dodaj do koszyka Creativity Support Systems. SE 88

Tagi: J臋zyki obce

In the recent years companies have been faced with a growing need to focus more of their attention on creativity and innovation in order to keep up with increased global competition. Organizational creativity and innovation are enhanced through the introduction of computer support systems. This book is dedicated to exploring issues related to supporting creativity and innovation with information technology, and contains 16 articles selected for delivery at the first international session of the CSS in the 26th Conference on Organizational Support Systems. The theme creativity support systems (CSS) is a rather novel one. The problem of building CSS involves the problem of building a creative organization and is located in the area of interdisciplinary research. A rich variety of methods and techniques are used to achieve this, many of which are discussed in our book. Studia Ekonomiczne nr 88 Zeszyty Naukowe Uniwersytetu Ekonomicznego w Katowicach.

Dodaj do koszyka Creativity Support Systems. SE 88


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