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Deploying OpenStack - Septem

Deploying OpenStack
Autor: Ken Pepple
ISBN: 978-14-493-1538-2
stron: 88, Format: ebook
Data wydania: 2011-07-25
Księgarnia: Septem

Cena książki: 72,24 zł (poprzednio: 84,99 zł)
Oszczędzasz: 15% (-12,75 zł)

Dodaj do koszyka Deploying OpenStack

Tagi: Inne - Programowanie

OpenStack was created with the audacious goal of being the ubiquitous software choice for building public and private cloud infrastructures. In just over a year, it's become the most talked-about project in open source. This concise book introduces OpenStack's general design and primary software components in detail, and shows you how to start using it to build cloud infrastructures.

If you're a developer, technologist, or system administrator familiar with cloud offerings such as Rackspace Cloud or Amazon Web Services, Deploying OpenStack shows you how to obtain and deploy OpenStack software in a few controlled scenarios.

  • Learn about OpenStack Compute (known as “Nova”), OpenStack Object Store ("Swift"), and OpenStack Image Service ("Glance")
  • Understand common pitfalls in architecting, deploying, and implementing your cloud infrastructure with OpenStack
  • Determine which version of the OpenStack code base best suits your deployment needs
  • Define your deployment scenario and finalize key design choices
  • Install Nova on a single node with either the StackOps distro or an Ubuntu package
  • Be familiar with important configuration options and important administrative commands

Dodaj do koszyka Deploying OpenStack


Osoby które kupowały "Deploying OpenStack", wybierały także:

  • Matematyka. Kurs video.
  • Matematyka. Kurs video. Teoria dla programisty i data science
  • Dzieciaki na start! Programowanie dla najm
  • Programowanie z Ozobotem
  • Hello Scratch! Napisz swoj

Dodaj do koszyka Deploying OpenStack

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Dodaj do koszyka Deploying OpenStack

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