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Docker and Kubernetes for Java Developers - Septem

Docker and Kubernetes for Java Developers
Autor: Jaros
Tytuł oryginału: Docker and Kubernetes for Java Developers
ISBN: 9781786463906
stron: 318, Format: ebook
Data wydania: 2017-08-30
Księgarnia: Septem

Cena książki: 139,00 zł

Dodaj do koszyka Docker and Kubernetes for Java Developers

Tagi: Bezpiecze | Docker | Java | Systemy operacyjne

Imagine creating and testing Java EE applications on Apache Tomcat Server or Wildfly Application server in minutes along with deploying and managing Java applications swiftly. Sounds too good to be true? But you have a reason to cheer as such scenarios are only possible by leveraging Docker and Kubernetes.

This book will start by introducing Docker and delve deep into its networking and persistent storage concepts. You will then proceed to learn how to refactor monolith application into separate services by building an application and then packaging it into Docker containers. Next, you will create an image containing Java Enterprise Application and later run it using Docker. Moving on, the book will focus on Kubernetes and its features and you will learn to deploy a Java application to Kubernetes using Maven and monitor a Java application in production. By the end of the book, you will get hands-on with some more advanced topics to further extend your knowledge about Docker and Kubernetes.

Dodaj do koszyka Docker and Kubernetes for Java Developers


Osoby które kupowały "Docker and Kubernetes for Java Developers", wybierały także:

  • Oszukaj mnie, je
  • Firewall nie powstrzyma prawdziwego smoka, czyli jak zadba
  • Dane i Goliat. Ukryta bitwa o Twoje dane i kontrol
  • Mroczne odm
  • Jak dzia

Dodaj do koszyka Docker and Kubernetes for Java Developers

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Dodaj do koszyka Docker and Kubernetes for Java Developers

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