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English-Polish Social Guide for girls - Septem

English-Polish Social Guide for girls
Autor: Justyna Tarnowska
ISBN: 978-83-950157-4-8
stron: 17, Format: ebook
Data wydania: 2018-02-04
Ksi臋garnia: Septem

Cena ksi膮偶ki: 6,83 z艂

Dodaj do koszyka English-Polish Social Guide for girls

Tagi: J臋zyki obce

Ebook English-Polish Social Guide for girls is a handy guide for every woman who wants to develop communication skills in Polish. It does not matter how old are you or do you have any linguistic abilities. This ebook easily explains Polish vocabulary and presents useful phrases with ponunciation, which you can use in everyday communication with the Poles.

Dodaj do koszyka English-Polish Social Guide for girls


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Dodaj do koszyka English-Polish Social Guide for girls

Spis tre艣ci

English-Polish Social Guide for girls eBook -- spis tre墓聸ci

Description of pronunciation
1. Greeting
2. Asking about name and country
3. Asking about mood
4. Compliments
5. Party, asking about phone number and dating
6. Communication
7. Be alert! Avoid these phrases

Dodaj do koszyka English-Polish Social Guide for girls

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