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Enterprise IoT. Strategies and Best Practices for Connected Products and Services - Septem

Enterprise IoT. Strategies and Best Practices for Connected Products and Services
Autor: Dirk Slama, Frank Puhlmann, Jim Morrish
ISBN: 978-14-919-2531-7
stron: 492, Format: ebook
Data wydania: 2015-10-29
Księgarnia: Septem

Cena książki: 152,15 zł (poprzednio: 176,92 zł)
Oszczędzasz: 14% (-24,77 zł)

Dodaj do koszyka Enterprise IoT. Strategies and Best Practices for Connected Products and Services

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Current hype aside, the Internet of Things will ultimately become as fundamental as the Internet itself, with lots of opportunities and trials along the way. To help you navigate these choppy waters, this practical guide introduces a dedicated methodology for businesses preparing to transition towards IoT-based business models.

With a set of best practices based on case study analysis, expert interviews, and the authors’ own experience, the Ignite | IoT Methodology outlined in this book delivers actionable guidelines to assist you with IoT strategy management and project execution. You’ll also find a detailed case study of a project fully developed with this methodology.

This book consists of three parts:

  • Illustrative case studies of selected IoT domains, including smart energy, connected vehicles, manufacturing and supply chain management, and smart cities
  • The Ignite | IoT Methodology for defining IoT strategy, preparing your organization for IoT adoption, and planning and executing IoT projects
  • A detailed case study of the IIC Track & Trace testbed, one of the first projects to be fully developed according to the Ignite | IoT Methodology

Dodaj do koszyka Enterprise IoT. Strategies and Best Practices for Connected Products and Services


Osoby które kupowały "Enterprise IoT. Strategies and Best Practices for Connected Products and Services", wybierały także:

  • Wizualna strona biznesu. Jak przekonywa
  • Startup, scaleup, kl
  • Szef, kt
  • Wprowadzenie do zarz
  • Alibaba. Jak Jack Ma stworzy

Dodaj do koszyka Enterprise IoT. Strategies and Best Practices for Connected Products and Services

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Dodaj do koszyka Enterprise IoT. Strategies and Best Practices for Connected Products and Services

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