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European Union. Three Anniversaries. Polish Perspective - Septem

European Union. Three Anniversaries. Polish Perspective
Autor: El
ISBN: 978-83-803-0141-2
stron: 218, Format: ebook
Data wydania: 2019-03-26
Księgarnia: Septem

Cena książki: 25,68 zł (poprzednio: 30,57 zł)
Oszczędzasz: 16% (-4,89 zł)

Dodaj do koszyka European Union. Three Anniversaries. Polish Perspective

Tagi: Og

The monograph Europecin Union: Three Anniversaries. Polish Perspective should be reached for by both experts inthe problems of integration and people who are not economists, but are also interested in these issues. The publication is distinguished by its original research concept being a very interesting, multifaceted and interdisciplinary summary of integration processes in Europe, perceived from the Polish perspective. This is an analysis of multidimensional (including both economic and political) benefits and costs as well as effects of three processes: unilicalion of Germany (1990-2014), creation of the Euro-zone (1999-2013) and accession of 10 States to the European Union, including Poland (2004-2014). The advantage of this hook is complexity of the approach, examining a wide range of variablcs and indicators concerning the main forms of cooperation and economic activity of Poland and its regions as well as of Germany and othcr EU member States. The authors emphasize economic and non-economic effects of Germany's unification for Poland and the whole EU. They examine the Eurozone (EZ) paying attention to the conse

Dodaj do koszyka European Union. Three Anniversaries. Polish Perspective


Osoby które kupowały "European Union. Three Anniversaries. Polish Perspective", wybierały także:

  • Podstawy logistyki miejskiej
  • Inteligentne systemy wspomagania decyzji
  • Warto
  • Budowanie spo
  • Podstawy oceny efektywno

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Dodaj do koszyka European Union. Three Anniversaries. Polish Perspective

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