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Excel Programming with VBA Starter - Septem

Excel Programming with VBA Starter
Autor: Robert Martin
Tytuł oryginału: Excel Programming with VBA Starter
ISBN: 9781849688451
stron: 62, Format: ebook
Data wydania: 2012-10-18
Księgarnia: Septem

Cena książki: 54,99 zł

Dodaj do koszyka Excel Programming with VBA Starter

Tagi: Excel | VBA - Programowanie

Do you have repetitive tasks that you would like to get rid of for good? Would you like to integrate Office Applications in order to streamline some of your tasks? Then look no further. This compact book will provide you with the knowledge to get your VBA programming off the ground and up to a comfortable cruising speed. "Excel Programming with VBA Starter" was born out of the need to have a short, but yet all-encompassing book that would give you a solid foundation in programming with Visual Basic for Applications. This book will enable you to harness the power of VBA in Excel and put it to good use throughout the course of your working day.Can't find properties and methods of an object? Don't know what a property, method or object is? Covering simple and advanced topics, create powerful, reusable examples such as IO, picking files from within Excel and automatically attaching them to e-mails. Learn and use the concept of encapsulation to condense code into bite-size methods to be easily accessed from within your projects, plus much more.

Dodaj do koszyka Excel Programming with VBA Starter


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  • Power Query i Power Pivot. Kurs video. Poznaj narz
  • Excel 2016 PL. Programowanie w VBA. Vademecum Walkenbacha
  • Excel 2016 PL. Biblia
  • VBA dla Excela 2016 PL. 222 praktyczne przyk
  • Office 2016 PL. Kurs

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