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Glorious Apollo - Septem

Glorious Apollo
Autor: Elizabeth Louisa Moresby
ISBN: 9788382004519
stron: 351, Format: ebook
Data wydania: 2020-03-03
Księgarnia: Septem

Cena książki: 11,92 zł (poprzednio: 14,90 zł)
Oszczędzasz: 20% (-2,98 zł)

Dodaj do koszyka Glorious Apollo

Tagi: Fantasy

E. Barrington is a pseudonym of Elizabeth Louisa Moresby, a British-born novelist who became the first prolific, female fantasy writer in Canada. She wrote very quickly, attributing her productivity to her sparse vegetarian diet and Buddhist habits of mental discipline; her best-selling fictional biography of Byron, Glorious Apollo, took only one month to complete. A bestseller in the 1920s, Glorious Apollo is a fictional biography of the 18th century Romantic poet, George Gordon, Lord Byron. Byron comes from a family noted for philandering and profligacy. He achieves notoriety in those areas before he achieves fame as a poet. Beginning as he prepares to takes his seat in the House of Lords in 1809, the novel takes us through Byrons entire life and career right up to his death in Greece at the age of thirty-six.

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Osoby które kupowały "Glorious Apollo", wybierały także:

  • Zombie Fest
  • Ucze
  • Psychopomp
  • Dziewczyna o chabrowych oczach
  • Bohater Krainy Kr

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