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Gombrowicz-Beckett. Beckett-Gombrowicz. A Comparative Inter-modal Study - Septem

Gombrowicz-Beckett. Beckett-Gombrowicz. A Comparative Inter-modal Study
Autor: Bartosz Lutosta
ISBN: 978-83-8206-471-1
stron: 298, Format: ebook
Data wydania: 2022-07-27
Księgarnia: Septem

Cena książki: 28,39 zł (poprzednio: 33,40 zł)
Oszczędzasz: 15% (-5,01 zł)

Dodaj do koszyka Gombrowicz-Beckett. Beckett-Gombrowicz. A Comparative Inter-modal Study

Tagi: Literaturoznawstwo

An attempt to present another critical study about the fiction of Witold Gombrowicz (1904–1969) and Samuel Beckett (1906–1989) virtually amounts to Benedykt Chmielowski’s description of a horse in one of the first Polish encyclopaedias: what a horse is like, is for everyone to see. It therefore seems reasonable to lament, “Oh no! Another book on Gombrowicz/Beckett?! Not again!”

However, if such a negative attitude might make sense in a project dedicated solely to Gombrowicz or to Beckett, a project on both of them in one study is one never to have emerged before. Comparisons between both writers, usually in the context of their dramas, have been made, but in passing (for example see Gombrowicz nasz wspó

Dodaj do koszyka Gombrowicz-Beckett. Beckett-Gombrowicz. A Comparative Inter-modal Study


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  • Literatura i kultura lat 60. XIX wieku mi
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  • Mieszka

Dodaj do koszyka Gombrowicz-Beckett. Beckett-Gombrowicz. A Comparative Inter-modal Study

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Dodaj do koszyka Gombrowicz-Beckett. Beckett-Gombrowicz. A Comparative Inter-modal Study

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