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Google Wave: Up and Running - Septem

Google Wave: Up and Running
Autor: Andres Ferrate
ISBN: 978-14-493-9080-8
stron: 304, Format: ebook
Data wydania: 2010-03-16
Księgarnia: Septem

Cena książki: 101,15 zł (poprzednio: 117,62 zł)
Oszczędzasz: 14% (-16,47 zł)

Dodaj do koszyka Google Wave: Up and Running

Tagi: Social Media

Catch Google Wave, the revolutionary Internet protocol and web service that lets you communicate and collaborate in realtime. With this book, you'll understand how Google Wave integrates email, instant messaging (IM), wiki, and social networking functionality into a powerful and extensible platform. You'll also learn how to use its features, customize its functions, and build sophisticated extensions with Google Wave's open APIs and network protocol.

Written for everyone -- from non-techies to ninja coders -- Google Wave: Up and Running provides a complete tour of this complex platform. You'll quickly work with the Google Wave Client, the app that lets users participate and collaborate on waves, and learn how to augment waves with gadgets and robots. In the process, you'll appreciate why Google Wave offers a great new model for online communication and collaboration.

  • Become thoroughly familiar with Google Wave, including its structure, key concepts, and terminology
  • Get a hands-on introduction to the APIs and resources that will help you develop on this platform
  • Learn how to use Google Wave's APIs to develop your own gadgets and robots, and to embed waves on web pages
  • Discover through use cases how Google Wave offers consumers a distinct advantage over current communication and collaboration technologies

Dodaj do koszyka Google Wave: Up and Running


Osoby które kupowały "Google Wave: Up and Running", wybierały także:

  • Dziesi
  • Facebook. W
  • Video marketing nie tylko na YouTube
  • Laptopowy Milioner. Jak zerwa
  • Twoja firma w social mediach. Podr

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