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Grammar Dictation - Resource Books for Teachers - Septem

Grammar Dictation - Resource Books for Teachers
Autor: Wajnryb, Ruth
ISBN: 978-01-944-2607-7
stron: 144, Format: ebook
Data wydania: 2017-10-09
Ksi臋garnia: Septem

Cena ksi膮偶ki: 135,15 z艂 (poprzednio: 157,15 z艂)
Oszcz臋dzasz: 14% (-22,00 z艂)

Dodaj do koszyka Grammar Dictation - Resource Books for Teachers

Tagi: J臋zyki obce

Grammar Dictation offers an innovative approach to the study of grammar in the language classroom - the 'grammar dictation' or 'dictogloss' procedure. A text is dictated at normal speed, after which students try and reconstruct their own version of the original text. The correction process then enables students to understand their errors and the language options available to them.

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