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Hands-On Kubernetes on Azure - Septem

Hands-On Kubernetes on Azure
Autor: Shivakumar Gopalakrishnan, Gunther Lenz
Tytuł oryginału: Hands-On Kubernetes on Azure
ISBN: 9781789535235
stron: 258, Format: ebook
Data wydania: 2019-03-30
Księgarnia: Septem

Cena książki: 129,00 zł

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Tagi: Aplikacje biznesowe | Inne | Programowanie w chmurze | Systemy operacyjne

Microsoft is now one of the most significant contributors to Kubernetes open source projects. Kubernetes helps to create, configure, and manage a cluster of virtual machines that are preconfigured to run containerized applications.

This book will be your guide to performing successful container orchestration and deployment of Kubernetes clusters on Azure. You will get started by learning how to deploy and manage highly scalable applications, along with understanding how to set up a production-ready Kubernetes cluster on Azure. As you advance, you will learn how to reduce the complexity and operational overheads of managing a Kubernetes cluster on Azure.

By the end of this book, you will not only be capable of deploying and managing Kubernetes clusters on Azure with ease, but also have the knowledge of best practices for working with advanced AKS concepts for complex systems.

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