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Implementing VMware Horizon 7.7 - Third Edition - Septem

Implementing VMware Horizon 7.7 - Third Edition
Autor: Jason Ventresco
Tytuł oryginału: Implementing VMware Horizon 7.7 - Third Edition
ISBN: 9781789612325
stron: 520, Format: ebook
Data wydania: 2019-01-15
Księgarnia: Septem

Cena książki: 159,00 zł

Dodaj do koszyka Implementing VMware Horizon 7.7 - Third Edition

Tagi: Aplikacje biznesowe | Inne | Robotyka | Systemy operacyjne

This third edition of Implementing VMware Horizon 7.7 has been updated to get you up to speed with VMware Horizon 7.7 by showing you how to use its key features and deploying an end-user computing infrastructure for your own organization.

The book begins by guiding you on how to deploy all the core requirements for a VMware Horizon infrastructure. It then moves on to show you how to provision and administer end-user computing resources using VMware Horizon. You'll not only be able to deploy the core VMware Horizon features, but you'll also be able to implement new features, such as the Just-in-Time Management Platform (JMP) and the Horizon Console. You'll also focus on the latest features and components of the Horizon platform and learn when and how they are used.

By the end of the book, you will have developed a solid understanding of how your organization can benefit from the capabilities VMware Horizon offers and how each of its components is implemented.

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