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Instant Apache Camel Messaging System - Septem

Instant Apache Camel Messaging System
Autor: Evgeniy Sharapov
Tytuł oryginału: Instant Apache Camel Messaging System
ISBN: 9781782165354
stron: 78, Format: ebook
Data wydania: 2013-09-25
Księgarnia: Septem

Cena książki: 69,90 zł

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Tagi: Apache

There are many ways to handle data exchange between applications and systems. Apache Camel is a lightweight integration framework that trades in complexity to focus on simplicity, elegance, and flexibility instead. This book teaches you to handle data exchange using the messaging functions of the Apache Camel framework.

Instant Apache Camel Messaging System is a practical, hands-on guide that provides you with step-by-step instructions which will help you to take advantage of the Apache Camel integration framework using Maven, the Spring Framework, and the TDD approach.

Instant Apache Camel Messaging System introduces you to Apache Camel and provides easy-to-follow instructions on how to set up a Maven-based project and how to use unit tests and mocks to develop your application in a ,

Dodaj do koszyka Instant Apache Camel Messaging System


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