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Instant Creating Data Models with PowerPivot How-to - Septem

Instant Creating Data Models with PowerPivot How-to
Autor: Leo Taehyung Lee
Tytuł oryginału: Instant Creating Data Models with PowerPivot How-to
ISBN: 9781849689571
stron: 58, Format: ebook
Data wydania: 2013-04-25
Księgarnia: Septem

Cena książki: 64,99 zł

Dodaj do koszyka Instant Creating Data Models with PowerPivot How-to

Tagi: Excel

Microsoft PowerPivot is a free software designed to enhance Microsoft Excel. It allows the user to make extensive use of his/her computer's powers to draw data from various sources, do analysis across millions of rows of data, and present results in a very unique format.

Instant Creating Data Models with PowerPivot How-to is a concise and to-the-point guide that helps you get a jump start on using this strong business intelligence tool, while still working in an environment similar to Excel. You will begin with data generation and manipulation, learning a new feature at each step by building onto the old file, and ultimately creating a comprehensive file.

Instant Creating Data Models with PowerPivot How-to will guide the user through database installation, importing data from various sources, creating pivot charts and tables, utilizing a unique feature of PowerPivot called slicers,adding custom columns, and setting custom relationships between data to generate the ultimate customized dataset for analysis. By the end of the book and all the sections of Microsoft PowerPivot for Excel, the reader will be fully experienced and ready to utilize this powerful software.

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