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Instant Google Compute Engine - Septem

Instant Google Compute Engine
Autor: Alexander Papaspyrou
Tytuł oryginału: Instant Google Compute Engine
ISBN: 9781849697019
stron: 60, Format: ebook
Data wydania: 2013-09-25
Księgarnia: Septem

Cena książki: 69,90 zł

Dodaj do koszyka Instant Google Compute Engine

Tagi: Programowanie w chmurze

Google Compute Engine allows developers and administrators to provision new machines for development, testing, quality assurance, and production in an on-the- spot manner, without having to host hardware. Google Compute Engine is quite powerful and used in the right way, and it can provide services to a large customer base, at a modest and controllable investment.

"Instant Google Compute Engine" is a practical, hands-on guide that provides you with the necessary background to operate a Cloud infrastructure in a cost-efficient way. With this book, you will learn how to utilize the power of one of the largest Infrastructure-as-a-Service providers. You will learn everything you need to know to deliver your service offering on top of Cloud technology, at a high quality and with low cost.

This book looks at the fundamentals of Google Compute Engine. It will teach you about the background of Cloud computing and will get you started with preparing your computer to use Google Compute Engine. It will then walk you through an example project in a hands-on manner.

You will also learn how to use and integrate the various building blocks Google Compute Engine provides its users. You will look at compute nodes and network management within your Google Compute Engine infrastructure as well as how to take advantage of the global storage platform to securely and efficiently distribute your data and how to build fault-tolerant services for your business on top of this. If you want to take advantage of Infrastructure-as-a-Service within the Google services, then this book is for you.

You will learn everything you need to run your business on Google Compute Engine, build and scale your infrastructure, and make the most out of Cloud computing.

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Osoby które kupowały "Instant Google Compute Engine", wybierały także:

  • Microsoft Azure. Kurs video. Zosta
  • Windows Azure. Wprowadzenie do programowania w chmurze
  • Ansible 2 w praktyce. Automatyzacja infrastruktury, zarz
  • Najlepsze praktyki w Kubernetes. Jak budowa
  • Kubernetes - rozwi

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