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Instant HTML5 Presentations How-to - Septem

Instant HTML5 Presentations How-to
Autor: Davi Ferreira
Tytuł oryginału: Instant HTML5 Presentations How-to
ISBN: 9781782164791
stron: 64, Format: ebook
Data wydania: 2013-02-22
Księgarnia: Septem

Cena książki: 64,99 zł

Dodaj do koszyka Instant HTML5 Presentations How-to


Presentations are no longer limited to platform specific software. You can now create stunning slides and display them on a web browser using modern technologies like HTML5 and CSS3."Instant HTML5 Presentations How-to" will show you how to create beautiful, functional presentations that can run on the latest web browsers. You will learn how to customize and add special effects using HTML5, CSS3 and JavaScript by following a set of engaging, hands-on exercises.You will start by creating a basic presentation using reveal.js, working your way through customization so that you can tailor it your specific needs. You'll then move on to create a custom theme for your slides, add an elapsed time clock, modify slide transitions, create a navigation bar, and much more.After going through the exercises in "Instant HTML5 Presentations How-to" you will be able to create a fully functional presentation that will run on all modern web browsers on any platform.

Dodaj do koszyka Instant HTML5 Presentations How-to


Osoby które kupowały "Instant HTML5 Presentations How-to", wybierały także:

  • Baw si
  • HTML,CSS i JavaScript dla ka
  • Adobe Dreamweaver CC/CC PL. Oficjalny podr
  • Responsive Web Design. Projektowanie elastycznych witryn w HTML5 i CSS3. Wydanie II
  • Stw

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