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Instant Node.js Starter - Septem

Instant Node.js Starter
Autor: Pedro Teixeira
Tytuł oryginału: Instant Node.js Starter
ISBN: 9781782165576
stron: 48, Format: ebook
Data wydania: 2013-05-23
Księgarnia: Septem

Cena książki: 64,99 zł

Dodaj do koszyka Instant Node.js Starter

Tagi: JavaScript | Node.js

Node.js is a platform that lets you use JavaScript to easily program scalable network applications and web services. Learn about the main concepts behind Node.js to get you started with this exciting technology.

Instant Node.js Starter will begin with installation and your first Hello World HTTP server. This book will show you how you can use Node.js core modules and also how you can use patterns to create your own modules. It will also teach you about NPM and how you can use it to install any of the many available third-party libraries. The book then goes on to explain the three main patterns you need to understand to be able to fully use Node.js: the callback pattern, EventEmitter, and streams. All these patterns are presented with practical code examples that you can use immediately, getting you started quickly on this exciting technology.

Instant Node.js Starter starts with the installation of Node.js and then shows you how to create your first Node.js HTTP server. By showing you the main Node.js concepts together with some working code samples, by the end of the book you will have created a set of working Node.js scripts to create servers and clients.You will learn how you can include and use Node.js core modules, and how you can use patterns to create your own modules. You will also learn how you can use NPM to pick, install, and use any of the many available third-party modules in your applications. You will learn how you can use the callback pattern and EventEmitter to control the asynchronous flow and the power of Node.js streams to make your application more scalable and responsive.

Instant Node.js Starter will show you the main concepts behind Node.js so that you feel comfortable to start building your scalable, event-driven network applications using JavaScript.

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Osoby które kupowały "Instant Node.js Starter", wybierały także:

  • Algorytmy i struktury danych. Kurs video. Java, JavaScript, Python
  • Baw si
  • Biblioteka jQuery. Sprawdzone wzorce projektowe
  • Unreal Engine. Nauka pisania gier dla kreatywnych
  • Programowanie dla pocz

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Dodaj do koszyka Instant Node.js Starter

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