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Jira Quick Start Guide - Septem

Jira Quick Start Guide
Autor: Ravi Sagar
Tytuł oryginału: Jira Quick Start Guide
ISBN: 9781789345889
stron: 162, Format: ebook
Data wydania: 2019-01-24
Księgarnia: Septem

Cena książki: 94,99 zł

Dodaj do koszyka Jira Quick Start Guide

Tagi: Aplikacje biznesowe | Inne | Java | Zarz

Jira is an issue tracker and project management system. With their latest release, the Jira team has now expanded their user base to agile teams as well as business teams. This book provides a comprehensive explanation covering all major components of Jira, including Jira Software, Jira Core, and Jira Service Desk.

This book starts with an introduction to Jira's unique features and how it can be used as an issue-tracking tool. It will then teach you about how a new project is created by a Jira administrator, what responsibilities there are, and using correct and relevant schemes in your project. You will then learn how to configure project workflows and fields for project screens.

You will understand the various permissions used in projects and the importance of project roles in Jira. Then, the book talks about the concepts of versions acting as milestones and using components when handling issues in your projects. It will then focus on analysing data using built-in reports and creating dashboards in Jira.

At the end, it will discuss various best practices for users as well as project managers or project administrators.

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