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Job Hunting for IT. Video Course. Successful Job Interviews for IT Developers - Septem

Job Hunting for IT. Video Course. Successful Job Interviews for IT Developers
Autor: Piotr
ISBN: 978-83-283-9698-2
Format: video
Data wydania: 2022-10-03
Księgarnia: Septem

Cena książki: 159,00 zł

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Get a course on… an interview in English

You are brilliant at what you do. You solve all programming problems efficiently. You do it quickly, correctly and accurately. You know a lot of IT tools and are able to choose them adequately to the task. You like cooperating with people and you can do it. You understand your customers ― you can freely translate their needs from everyday language to popular programming languages. You are a talented trainer. Younger colleagues come to you willingly for advice and always get help. You want to develop your skills. You are willing to work hard. Great! Now tell a recruiter about it using English…

English is a universal language of computer science. It is true. Unfortunately, it is also true that although “technical” English of most IT employees is quite fluent, conversational English, in which one talks with clients, foreign superiors or just recruiters, is rarely one of the strengths of coders, admins and developers. This lack of education may eliminate even the best specialist from competing for the desired position. If you feel that you lack knowledge in this field, if you have your life’s interview ahead of you and you want to prepare for it perfectly ― this course is just for you!

It has been created especially for programmers preparing for a job interview. Therefore, it deals with all language issues that are necessary in a comprehensive preparation for recruitment in English.

Spend a few hours working with this course and learn for example:

  • communication expressions necessary during job interviews

  • forms that ensure making a positive impression on recruiters

  • tips on proper pronunciation and intonation

  • terms, words and expressions useful in describing the educational and professional path

  • grammar forms necessary to answer recruitment questions

  • language expressions and tools appropriate to answering technical questions

  • hints to help you with personality issues

  • language usage tips to ensure the best possible language preparation for a job interview

What’s more…

  • review English grammar, practice and repeat with us, and you will go smoothly through an interview with a recruiter as well as a conversation with your potential supervisors and English-speaking colleagues from future work


The course Job-Hunting in English, Successful Job Interviews for Software Programmers/Developers is aimed at people using English at levels from B1 to B2+.

You will make real use of it!

The author of the course has prepared it for you. Exactly for you, the programmer and developer who is getting ready for the interview. Therefore, you will learn not only the differences between the types of interviews for developers, what different stages of such interviews look like and what questions you should expect. You will also learn phrases and strategies that will give you advantage in the first minutes of a job interview, pronunciation tips, right grammar tools and ways to keep the conversation going. After the course, you will be able to talk about your work and private life fluently, use the most important words and terms in the field of computer science adequately and pronounce them correctly ― which makes a special impression on recruiters. The author of the course has also prepared a lot of very useful language tips for you, thanks to which you will prepare for the interview as best as possible.

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Osoby które kupowały "Job Hunting for IT. Video Course. Successful Job Interviews for IT Developers", wybierały także:

  • English 4 IT. Praktyczny kurs j
  • Hiszpa
  • Do
  • Angielski dla specjalist
  • Na polu chwa

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