reklama - zainteresowany?

Jun - Septem

Autor: J. A. Malec
ISBN: 978-09-957-1240-9
stron: 231, Format: ebook
Data wydania: 2018-11-26
Księgarnia: Septem

Cena książki: 10,63 zł (poprzednio: 12,51 zł)
Oszczędzasz: 15% (-1,88 zł)

Dodaj do koszyka Jun

Tagi: Romans

Paranormal romans. Tells the story of Jun, a stubborn, sharp-tongued woman, and equally stubborn angel David, who wasn’t expecting to find his partner. From the beginning, they do not sympathize with each other. Squabbles are a way of life, right? Fate on their way puts a very restrictive law and ... David's wife.


J.A. Malec

I am a full-time mother, whenever I'm free I work professionally. Writing is a hobby which I discovered by my husband. I love reading and, even though, near four children there is always something to do, I still find the time for even a little while to run away into a different reality. Writing is something to help run into a world, that I can create.

Dodaj do koszyka Jun


Osoby które kupowały "Jun", wybierały także:

  • W pogoni za VeronicÄ…
  • MÄ™ski obowiÄ…zek
  • Mój crush
  • She's With Me. Razem wbrew Å›wiatu #1
  • Russian Devil

Dodaj do koszyka Jun

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Dodaj do koszyka Jun

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