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Kickstart Modern Android Development with Jetpack and Kotlin - Septem

Kickstart Modern Android Development with Jetpack and Kotlin
Autor: Catalin Ghita
Tytuł oryginału: Kickstart Modern Android Development with Jetpack and Kotlin
ISBN: 9781801818216
stron: 472, Format: ebook
Data wydania: 2022-05-24
Księgarnia: Septem

Cena książki: 139,00 zł

Dodaj do koszyka Kickstart Modern Android Development with Jetpack and Kotlin

Tagi: Android | FLEX

With Jetpack libraries, you can build and design high-quality, robust Android apps that have an improved architecture and work consistently across different versions and devices. This book will help you understand how Jetpack allows developers to follow best practices and architectural patterns when building Android apps while also eliminating boilerplate code.

Developers working with Android and Kotlin will be able to put their knowledge to work with this condensed practical guide to building apps with the most popular Jetpack libraries, including Jetpack Compose, ViewModel, Hilt, Room, Paging, Lifecycle, and Navigation. You'll get to grips with relevant libraries and architectural patterns, including popular libraries in the Android ecosystem such as Retrofit, Coroutines, and Flow while building modern applications with real-world data.

By the end of this Android app development book, you'll have learned how to leverage Jetpack libraries and your knowledge of architectural concepts for building, designing, and testing robust Android applications for various use cases.

Dodaj do koszyka Kickstart Modern Android Development with Jetpack and Kotlin


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  • Wydajne aplikacje dla systemu Android. Programuj szybko i efektywnie
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  • Android Studio w 24 godziny. Wygodne programowanie dla platformy Android. Wydanie IV
  • Android. Programowanie aplikacji. Rusz g

Dodaj do koszyka Kickstart Modern Android Development with Jetpack and Kotlin

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Dodaj do koszyka Kickstart Modern Android Development with Jetpack and Kotlin

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