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Kodeks pracy. The Labour Code - Septem

Kodeks pracy. The Labour Code
Autor: Nicholas Faulkner, Agnieszka Jamro
ISBN: 978-83-255-4353-2
stron: 353, Format: ebook
Data wydania: 2012-01-01
Księgarnia: Septem

Cena książki: 189,00 zł

Dodaj do koszyka Kodeks pracy. The Labour Code

Tagi: Og | Podr | Prawo publiczne, konstytucyjne i administracyjne | Prawo socjalne, prawo pracy

This collection, published as a part of the new series of translations of Polish acts of law into English, German and French, includes the English translation of the Labour Code and of the Act on Particular Rules of Terminating Employment Relationships with Employees for Reasons not Related to the Individual Employees Concerned, known in the legal practice as the "Act on Collective Redundancies". The text of the Labour Code already comprises the amendments to this Code of 2011 and 2012, including the ones introduced by the provisions of the Act on the Reduction of Some Obligations of Citizens and Entrepreneurs of 16 September 2011 (J.L. No.232, item 1378), In particular concerning the date of using leave, the matters of safety at work as well as the length of maternity leave, additional maternity leave and paternity leave.

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Dodaj do koszyka Kodeks pracy. The Labour Code


Osoby które kupowały "Kodeks pracy. The Labour Code", wybierały także:

  • Podstawy logistyki miejskiej
  • Inteligentne systemy wspomagania decyzji
  • Warto
  • Budowanie spo
  • Podstawy oceny efektywno

Dodaj do koszyka Kodeks pracy. The Labour Code

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Dodaj do koszyka Kodeks pracy. The Labour Code

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