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Living Clojure - Septem

Living Clojure
Autor: Carin Meier
ISBN: 978-14-919-0928-7
stron: 242, Format: ebook
Data wydania: 2015-04-14
Księgarnia: Septem

Cena książki: 126,65 zł (poprzednio: 147,27 zł)
Oszczędzasz: 14% (-20,62 zł)

Dodaj do koszyka Living Clojure

If you’re an experienced programmer who has not worked with Clojure before, this guide is the perfect thorough but gentle introduction for you. Author Carin Meier not only provides a practical overview of this JVM language and its functional programming concepts, but also includes a complete hands-on training course to help you learn Clojure in a structured way.

The first half of the book takes you through Clojure’s unique design and lets you try your hand at two Clojure projects, including a web app. The holistic course in second half provides you with critical tools and resources, including ways to plug into the Clojure community.

  • Understand the basic structure of a Clojure expression
  • Learn how to shape and control code in a functional way
  • Discover how Clojure handles real-world state and concurrency
  • Take advantage of Java classes and learn how Clojure handles polymorphism
  • Manage and use libraries in a Clojure project
  • Use the core.async library for asynchronous and concurrent communication
  • Explore the power of macros in Clojure programming
  • Learn how to think in Clojure by following the book’s seven-week training course

Dodaj do koszyka Living Clojure


Osoby które kupowały "Living Clojure", wybierały także:

  • Uwarunkowania gospodarowania kapita
  • Podstawy ekonometrii
  • Zintegrowane systemy zarz
  • Krzywa dochodowo
  • Przyw

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