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Machine Learning Engineering with Python - Septem

Machine Learning Engineering with Python
Autor: Andrew P. McMahon
Tytuł oryginału: Machine Learning Engineering with Python
ISBN: 9781801077101
stron: 276, Format: ebook
Data wydania: 2021-11-05
Księgarnia: Septem

Cena książki: 129,00 zł

Dodaj do koszyka Machine Learning Engineering with Python

Tagi: Python | Uczenie maszynowe

Machine learning engineering is a thriving discipline at the interface of software development and machine learning. This book will help developers working with machine learning and Python to put their knowledge to work and create high-quality machine learning products and services.

Machine Learning Engineering with Python takes a hands-on approach to help you get to grips with essential technical concepts, implementation patterns, and development methodologies to have you up and running in no time. You'll begin by understanding key steps of the machine learning development life cycle before moving on to practical illustrations and getting to grips with building and deploying robust machine learning solutions. As you advance, you'll explore how to create your own toolsets for training and deployment across all your projects in a consistent way. The book will also help you get hands-on with deployment architectures and discover methods for scaling up your solutions while building a solid understanding of how to use cloud-based tools effectively. Finally, you'll work through examples to help you solve typical business problems.

By the end of this book, you'll be able to build end-to-end machine learning services using a variety of techniques and design your own processes for consistently performant machine learning engineering.

Dodaj do koszyka Machine Learning Engineering with Python


Osoby które kupowały "Machine Learning Engineering with Python", wybierały także:

  • Python dla ka
  • Algorytmy i struktury danych. Kurs video. Java, JavaScript, Python
  • Data Science w Pythonie. Kurs video. Algorytmy uczenia maszynowego
  • Machine Learning i j
  • Data Science w Pythonie. Kurs video. Przetwarzanie i analiza danych

Dodaj do koszyka Machine Learning Engineering with Python

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Dodaj do koszyka Machine Learning Engineering with Python

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