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Mastering API Architecture - Septem

Mastering API Architecture
Autor: James Gough, Daniel Bryant, Matthew Auburn
ISBN: 9781492090588
stron: 288, Format: ebook
Data wydania: 2021-03-19
Księgarnia: Septem

Cena książki: 203,15 zł (poprzednio: 236,22 zł)
Oszczędzasz: 14% (-33,07 zł)

Dodaj do koszyka Mastering API Architecture

Tagi: API

Most organizations with a web presence build and operate APIs; the doorway for customers to interact with the company's services. Designing, building, and managing these critical programs affect everyone in the organization, from engineers and product owners to C-suite executives. But the real challenge for developers and solution architects is creating an API platform from the ground up.

With this practical book, you'll learn strategies for building and testing REST APIs that use API gateways to combine offerings at the microservice level. Authors James Gough, Daniel Bryant, and Matthew Auburn demonstrate how simple additions to this infrastructure can help engineers and organizations migrate to the cloud; and open the opportunity to connect internal services using technologies like a service mesh.

  • Learn API fundamentals and architectural patterns for building an API platform
  • Use practical examples to understand how to design, build, and test API-based systems
  • Deploy, operate, and configure key components of an API platform
  • Use API gateways and service meshes appropriately, based on case studies
  • Understand core security and common vulnerabilities in API architecture
  • Secure data and APIs using threat modeling and technologies like OAuth2 and TLS
  • Learn how to evolve existing systems toward API- and cloud-based architectures

Dodaj do koszyka Mastering API Architecture


Osoby które kupowały "Mastering API Architecture", wybierały także:

  • Nowoczesne API. Ewoluuj
  • REST. Najlepsze praktyki i wzorce w j
  • Interfejs API. Strategia programisty
  • Facebook Graph API. Tworzenie rozbudowanych rozwi
  • Java. Kompendium programisty. Wydanie XI

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