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Mastering Blockchain - Second Edition - Septem

Mastering Blockchain - Second Edition
Autor: Imran Bashir
Tytuł oryginału: Mastering Blockchain - Second Edition
ISBN: 9781788838672
stron: 656, Format: ebook
Data wydania: 2018-03-30
Księgarnia: Septem

Cena książki: 159,00 zł

Dodaj do koszyka Mastering Blockchain - Second Edition

Tagi: Bazy danych | E-biznes | Kryptografia

Publisher's Note: This edition from 2018 is outdated and does not cover the latest insights on consensus algorithms, Ethereum 2.0, tokenization, and enterprise blockchains. A new and updated edition of this book that includes all the newest developments and improvements in Blockchain including the above topics is now available.

A blockchain is a distributed ledger that is replicated across multiple nodes and enables immutable, transparent and cryptographically secure record-keeping of transactions. The blockchain technology is the backbone of cryptocurrencies, and it has applications in finance, government, media and almost all other industries. Mastering Blockchain, Second Edition has been thoroughly updated and revised to provide a detailed description of this leading technology and its implementation in the real world.

This book begins with the technical foundations of blockchain technology, teaching you the fundamentals of distributed systems, cryptography and how it keeps data secure. You will learn about the mechanisms behind cryptocurrencies and how to develop applications using Ethereum, a decentralized virtual machine. You will also explore different other blockchain solutions and get an introduction to business blockchain frameworks under Hyperledger, a collaborative effort for the advancement of blockchain technologies hosted by the Linux Foundation. You will also be shown how to implement blockchain solutions beyond currencies, Internet of Things with blockchain, blockchain scalability, and the future scope of this fascinating and powerful technology.

Dodaj do koszyka Mastering Blockchain - Second Edition


Osoby które kupowały "Mastering Blockchain - Second Edition", wybierały także:

  • MongoDB w akcji
  • Oracle PL/SQL w mgnieniu oka
  • NoSQL. Przyjazny przewodnik
  • T-SQL dla zaawansowanych. Przewodnik programisty. Wydanie IV
  • Access 2016 PL. Kurs

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Mastering Blockchain. Distributed ledger technology, decentralization, and smart contracts explained - Second Edition eBook -- spis tre

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