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Modern Brand Management - Septem

Modern Brand Management
Autor: Magdalena Gr
ISBN: 978-83-662-8770-9
stron: 192, Format: ebook
Data wydania: 2020-11-10
Księgarnia: Septem

Cena książki: 20,00 zł

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Tagi: Social Media | Zarz

The main purpose of this monograph is to present the concept of brand and the strategies of brand management, with particular emphasis on the importance of brand elements, brand identity and brand promotion.

This monograph has resulted in two important contributions. Froma theoretical standpoint, it has contributed to brand management concept and has provided a better understanding of brand development possibilities especially thanks to the on-line activities implementation. From the substantive standpoint, it has shed light on the brand strategy implementation as well on the attitudes of Polish consumers towards branded products. This information can be useful for managers to understand how to implement different brand strategies and what outcomes can be expected.

Dodaj do koszyka Modern Brand Management


Osoby które kupowały "Modern Brand Management", wybierały także:

  • Dziesi
  • Facebook. W
  • Video marketing nie tylko na YouTube
  • Laptopowy Milioner. Jak zerwa
  • Twoja firma w social mediach. Podr

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