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MongoDB and PHP. Document-Oriented Data for Web Developers - Septem

MongoDB and PHP. Document-Oriented Data for Web Developers
Autor: Steve Francia
ISBN: 978-14-493-2484-1
stron: 80, Format: ebook
Data wydania: 2012-01-23
Księgarnia: Septem

Cena książki: 59,42 zł (poprzednio: 69,09 zł)
Oszczędzasz: 14% (-9,67 zł)

Dodaj do koszyka MongoDB and PHP. Document-Oriented Data for Web Developers

Tagi: Bazy danych | PHP

What would happen if you optimized a data store for the operations application developers actually use? You’d arrive at MongoDB, the reliable document-oriented database. With this concise guide, you’ll learn how to build elegant database applications with MongoDB and PHP.

Written by the Chief Solutions Architect at 10gen—the company that develops and supports this open source database—this book takes you through MongoDB basics such as queries, read-write operations, and administration, and then dives into MapReduce, sharding, and other advanced topics. Get out of the relational database rut, and take advantage of a high-performing system optimized for operations and scale.

  • Learn step-by-step the tools you need to build PHP applications with MongoDB
  • Perform Create, Read, Update, and Delete (CRUD) operations, and learn how to perform queries to retrieve data
  • Administer your database, and access and manipulate data with the MongoDB Shell
  • Use functions to work with sets, arrays, and multiple documents to perform synchronous, asynchronous, and atomic operations
  • Discover PHP’s community tools and libraries, and why they’re valuable
  • Work with regular expressions, aggregation, MapReduce, replication, and sharding

Dodaj do koszyka MongoDB and PHP. Document-Oriented Data for Web Developers


Osoby które kupowały "MongoDB and PHP. Document-Oriented Data for Web Developers", wybierały także:

  • MongoDB w akcji
  • Oracle PL/SQL w mgnieniu oka
  • NoSQL. Przyjazny przewodnik
  • T-SQL dla zaawansowanych. Przewodnik programisty. Wydanie IV
  • Access 2016 PL. Kurs

Dodaj do koszyka MongoDB and PHP. Document-Oriented Data for Web Developers

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Dodaj do koszyka MongoDB and PHP. Document-Oriented Data for Web Developers

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