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Multi-Cloud Architecture and Governance - Septem

Multi-Cloud Architecture and Governance
Autor: Jeroen Mulder
Tytuł oryginału: Multi-Cloud Architecture and Governance
ISBN: 9781800201910
stron: 412, Format: ebook
Data wydania: 2020-12-11
Księgarnia: Septem

Cena książki: 159,00 zł

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Tagi: Programowanie w chmurze

Multi-cloud has emerged as one of the top cloud computing trends, with businesses wanting to reduce their reliance on only one vendor. But when organizations shift to multiple cloud services without a clear strategy, they may face certain difficulties, in terms of how to stay in control, how to keep all the different components secure, and how to execute the cross-cloud development of applications. This book combines best practices from different cloud adoption frameworks to help you find solutions to these problems.

With step-by-step explanations of essential concepts and practical examples, you'll begin by planning the foundation, creating the architecture, designing the governance model, and implementing tools, processes, and technologies to manage multi-cloud environments. You'll then discover how to design workload environments using different cloud propositions, understand how to optimize the use of these cloud technologies, and automate and monitor the environments. As you advance, you'll delve into multi-cloud governance, defining clear demarcation models and management processes. Finally, you'll learn about managing identities in multi-cloud: who's doing what, why, when, and where.

By the end of this book, you'll be able to create, implement, and manage multi-cloud architectures with confidence

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Osoby które kupowały "Multi-Cloud Architecture and Governance", wybierały także:

  • Microsoft Azure. Kurs video. Zosta
  • Windows Azure. Wprowadzenie do programowania w chmurze
  • Ansible 2 w praktyce. Automatyzacja infrastruktury, zarz
  • Najlepsze praktyki w Kubernetes. Jak budowa
  • Kubernetes - rozwi

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