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My Testament - Septem

My Testament
Autor: Juliusz S
ISBN: 978-83-285-1320-4
stron: 3, Format: ebook
Data wydania: 2014-03-12
Księgarnia: Septem

Cena książki: 3,49 zł

Dodaj do koszyka My Testament

My Testament I lived with you, I grieved, and many a tear I shed.  In truth, I never did a noble soul defy.  Now it is time for me to go and join the dead.  Seems like it’s joy I leave on earth — so sad am I.    To my inheritance on earth I leave no heir,  Nor to this lute of mine nor even to my name;  My name has but dashed through, much like a lightening glare,  For aye it shall remain an empty sound and tame.    But you that knew me well, in your reports convey  That all my younger years were for my country spent:  While battle raged, at mast I stood, be as it may,  And with the ship I drowned when vanquished down she went. [...]

Juliusz S

Dodaj do koszyka My Testament


Osoby które kupowały "My Testament", wybierały także:

  • Uwarunkowania gospodarowania kapita
  • Podstawy ekonometrii
  • Zintegrowane systemy zarz
  • Krzywa dochodowo
  • Przyw

Dodaj do koszyka My Testament

Spis treści

Dodaj do koszyka My Testament

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