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Neural Networks with Keras Cookbook - Septem

Neural Networks with Keras Cookbook
Autor: V Kishore Ayyadevara
Tytuł oryginału: Neural Networks with Keras Cookbook
ISBN: 9781789342109
stron: 568, Format: ebook
Data wydania: 2019-02-28
Księgarnia: Septem

Cena książki: 129,00 zł

Dodaj do koszyka Neural Networks with Keras Cookbook

Tagi: Programowanie | Python | Uczenie maszynowe

This book will take you from the basics of neural networks to advanced implementations of architectures using a recipe-based approach.

We will learn about how neural networks work and the impact of various hyper parameters on a network's accuracy along with leveraging neural networks for structured and unstructured data.

Later, we will learn how to classify and detect objects in images. We will also learn to use transfer learning for multiple applications, including a self-driving car using Convolutional Neural Networks.

We will generate images while leveraging GANs and also by performing image encoding. Additionally, we will perform text analysis using word vector based techniques. Later, we will use Recurrent Neural Networks and LSTM to implement chatbot and Machine Translation systems.

Finally, you will learn about transcribing images, audio, and generating captions and also use Deep Q-learning to build an agent that plays Space Invaders game.

By the end of this book, you will have developed the skills to choose and customize multiple neural network architectures for various deep learning problems you might encounter.

Dodaj do koszyka Neural Networks with Keras Cookbook


Osoby które kupowały "Neural Networks with Keras Cookbook", wybierały także:

  • Dzieciaki na start! Programowanie dla najm
  • Tablice informatyczne. React
  • Programowanie z Ozobotem
  • J
  • Getting Things Programmed. Droga do efektywno

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