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Non-natives writing for Anglo-American journals: Challenges and urgent needs - Septem

Non-natives writing for Anglo-American journals: Challenges and urgent needs
Autor: Katarzyna Hryniuk
ISBN: 9788323536857
stron: 172, Format: ebook
Data wydania: 2019-04-25
Księgarnia: Septem

Cena książki: 11,20 zł (poprzednio: 14,00 zł)
Oszczędzasz: 20% (-2,80 zł)

Dodaj do koszyka Non-natives writing for Anglo-American journals: Challenges and urgent needs

Tagi: Lingwistyka

The author presents the problem of writing research articles in English as a foreign language by Polish scholars specialists in linguistics and applied linguistics for publication in Anglo-American journals. In her book she explores which aspects of the process are the most challenging for the authors and what needs they have in this area. In the light of the current higher education reform and the new requirement of publishing in international journals, this issue is particularly important. She presents the complex problem of the role of English as a global language in academic communication and the situation of scholars from Poland, a semiperiphery country, who by submitting papers to highly-ranked journals compete with the researchers from the worlds leading countries in this area. When faced with the new challenges, they need to have a highly developed competence of writing in line with the dominant Anglo-American conventions. The author describes the problem presented in the book from a geopolitical point of view and considers the process of writing in English form a social, cognitive and rhetorical perspective. She also explores in detail the core of the issue in an empirical study and tries to diagnose what steps should be undertaken in order to facilitate the publication activities of Polish scholars at the highest international level. Autorka przedstawia zagadnienie pisania artyku

Dodaj do koszyka Non-natives writing for Anglo-American journals: Challenges and urgent needs


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  • What the F. Co przeklinanie m
  • Gadka. W sze
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