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Notes from the Underground - Septem

Notes from the Underground
Autor: Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky
ISBN: 9788381766050
stron: 136, Format: ebook
Data wydania: 2019-11-06
Księgarnia: Septem

Cena książki: 11,92 zł (poprzednio: 14,90 zł)
Oszczędzasz: 20% (-2,98 zł)

Dodaj do koszyka Notes from the Underground

Tagi: Historyczna

A predecessor to such monumental works such as Crime and Punishment and The Brothers Karamazov, Notes From Underground represents a turning point in Dostoyevskys writing towards the more political side. In this work, we follow the unnamed narrator of the story, who, disillusioned by the oppression and corruption of the society in which he lives, withdraws from that society into the underground. This story is an expos

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Osoby które kupowały "Notes from the Underground", wybierały także:

  • Czas poka
  • Sekret najpilniej strze
  • Za grzechy ojca
  • Szpony diab
  • Kanthy. Od wszelakich z

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